Este trabajo se centra en el desarrollo de un instrumento complejo que permita abordar la
práctica docente, el cual está inspirado en el Survey of Enacted Curriculum. En primera
instancia, se lleva a cabo una revisión de literatura relacionada con el estudio de la práctica
docente, retomando temas como la didáctica de las matemáticas, la demanda cognitiva, el
currículum implementado y la oportunidad de aprendizaje. De igual forma, se contemplan
aspectos del desarrollo de un instrumento como la obtención de información y sus
cualidades. Posteriormente, se continúa con la metodología, en la cual se señalan los
distintos pasos que se siguieron para la elaboración de dicho instrumento, considerando la
validez y confiabilidad. Al final, se presentan tres tipos de análisis y consideraciones finales
sobre los ítems, así como un listado de limitantes.
This paper focuses on the elaboration of a complex instrument that allows an inside view
on teaching practices which was inspired by the Survey of Enacted Curriculum. A literature
review was conducted as the basis of the study, which considered concepts such as:
mathematics teaching, cognitive demand, implemented curriculum and opportunity to learn.
Due to the nature of the study aspects related to the elaboration of instruments such as
pertinence of informants as well as types of approaches were also contemplated. Another
important section within this research was the methodology, in which the diverse steps
followed are listed taking into consideration elements such as validity and reliability.
Towards the end are included the three types of analysis done with the information obtained
through the pilot study, final considerations for certain items as well as limitations.