A través de un recorrido sociohistórico y cultural, indagamos en las diferentes formas en
que la indumentaria ha tenido incidencia en la estructuración, orden, control y dominio social, principalmente de los cuerpos femeninos. La forma en que se ha convertido en un
elemento constante para mantener y reafirmar los constructos creados entorno a la feminidad y sometimiento de las mujeres, asimismo, se aborda su parte disruptiva, esa potencialidad de la indumentaria para romper con los moldes y transformar hacia otras
Exploramos, cómo desde los feminismos y el arte, se han propuesto diferentes ideas y proyectos para dislocar los discursos patriarcales instaurados y se propone una alternativa desde la indumentaria para fomentar el artivismo feminista, que incentive sobre todo a romper con los prejuicios y formas de opresión entorno a la corporalidad y
Through a socio-historical and cultural journey, we investigate the different ways in
which clothing has had an impact on the structuring, order, control and social
dominance, mainly of female bodies. The way in which it has become a constant
element to maintain and reaffirm the constructs created around femininity and subjection
of women, but its disruptive part is also addressed, that potential of clothing to break
with the molds and transform towards others visions.
We explore how, from feminism and art, different ideas and projects have been proposed
to dislocate established patriarchal discourses and an alternative from clothing is proposed to promote feminist artivism, which encourages above all to break with prejudices and forms of oppression around corporality and femininity.