El doctor Jesús Díaz de León, fue un personaje decimonónico que vivió dedicado al estudio, buscó con el
conocimiento científico, instruir a la gente. Durante la mayor parte de sus 68 años de vida, se formó para
transitar el camino que le llevara a sus metas: el desarrollo de las ideas que le explicaran del mundo en que
vivió y encontrar la respuesta de como, a través de su formación intelectual, logró construir una intensa
vida intelectual es el objetivo de esta tesis.
Doctor Jesús Díaz de León, was a nineteenth-century character who lived dedicated to study, he
sought with scientific knowledge, to instruct people. During most of his 68 years of life, he was
trained to walk the path that would lead him to his goals: the development of ideas that would
explain him the world in which he lived and find the answer of how, through his intellectual
training , managed to build an intense intellectual life is the objective of this thesis.