INTRODUCCION: El uso del Tramadol endovenoso es de gran uso en el control del dolor postoperatorio, muy utilizado por nuestro servicio de anestesiología. Sin embargo, se ha asociado a eventos adversos en especial nausea y vomito durante su administración, principalmente en las 24 horas del postoperatorio. Una alternativa es el Tapentadol, que en estudios recientes se ha asociado con una tasa de éxito superior al Tramadol u otros opioides en el dolor postoperatorio, con una menor incidencia de eventos adversos.
OBJETIVO: evaluar y comparar el dolor post operatorio en dos grupos de pacientes tratados con Tapentadol vía oral contra Tramadol endovenoso, así como evaluar y comparar la incidencia de eventos adversos entre estos medicamentos.
METODOLOGIA: En un estudio clínico experimental, con diseño prospectivo, longitudinal y comparativo, se tomaron pacientes, de cirugía general y traumatología bajo anestesia general, en un periodo que comprende enero y diciembre del 2016. Se designaron dos grupos: A para Tapentadol y B para Tramadol de forma aleatorizada. Se premedicó con dexametasona 8mg y metoclopramida 10 mg vía endovenosa. Se administró: Al grupo A una tableta de 50mg de Tapentadol vía oral 60 minutos previo a la inducción anestésica y al grupo B Tramadol a dosis de 1mg/kg posterior a la inducción anestésica. Ambos grupos fueron medicados con metamizol 10mg/kg posterior a la inducción. El dolor postoperatorio se evaluó con la escala de EVA al salir de quirófano, al salir de la Unidad de Cuidados Postanestésicos (UCPA) y a las 24 horas, al igual que la presencia de náusea y vómito. El uso de algún otro analgésico, se evaluó a las 24 horas.
RESULTADOS: Con una cohorte de 22 pacientes incluidos en el estudio, 10 pacientes para el grupo A y 12 para el grupo B, se puede observar que tiene un mejor beneficio en la escala de dolor el uso de Tapentadol contra Tramadol Post Cirugía y a las 24 hrs.
CONCLUSIONES: La evidencia clínica del estudio orienta que el Tapentadol es superior al Tramadol en el manejo del dolor postoperatorio, sin embargo, el Tramadol fue superior con menor incidencia de eventos adversos.
INTRODUCTION: The use of intravenous Tramadol it has been extensible used in the control of postoperative pain, and widely used by our anesthesiology service. However, it has been associated with adverse events, especially nausea and vomiting during its administration, mainly at the 24 hours postoperatively. An alternative drug is Tapentadol, which in recent studies has been associated with a a higher success rate than Tramadol or other opioids in postoperative pain, with a lower incidence of adverse events.
OBJETIVE: In this study, evaluate and compare postoperative pain and adverse events between the drugs that we tested in two groups of patients treated with Tapentadol orally against Tramadol intravenous.
METHODOS: In an experimental clinical study, with prospective, longitudinal and comparative design, patients were taken from general surgery and traumatology under general anesthesia, during a period between January and December of 2016. Two groups were designated: A for Tapentadol and B for Tramadol In a randomized manner. In both groups, 8 mg dexamethasone and metoclopramide 10 mg intravenously were premedicated. Group A received a tablet of 50 mg Tapentadol orally 60 minutes prior to anesthetic induction. Group B was administered Tramadol at a dose of 1 mg / kg post anesthetic induction. Both groups were medicated with metamizole 10mg / kg after induction. Postoperative pain was evaluated with the EVA scale when leaving the operating room, after leaving the Post-Anesthetic Care Unit (UCPA) and at 24 hours, as well as the presence of nausea and vomiting. The use of another analgesic was evaluated at 24 hours.
RESULTS: With a cohort of 22 patients included in the study, 10 patients for group A and 12 for group B, it can be observed that it has a better benefit in the pain scale the use of Tapentadol against Tramadol Post Surgery and at 24 hrs.
CONCLUSIONS: The clinical evidence from the study indicates that Tapentadol is superior to Tramadol in the management of postoperative pain, however, Tramadol was superior with a lower incidence of adverse events.